// setup
/*** start end required ***/
//global variables that will hold inputs from "user-input" of GUI
global string $thisWindow;
global string $road_MailboxCheck;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $road_TreeCheck;
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
global string $building_BuildDensitySlide;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
//names of displayLayers
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//global vars for keeping track of objects
global string $groundPlaneName; //because I only want one ground at a time
global string $groundPlaneName2; //required polyname to required to set some attributes
global float $buildPos[]; //used to keep track of where pieces have already been put
global int $nsCounter; //a counter that keep sall namespaces together
global string $blueGlass;
global string $greenGlass;
global string $concrete;
global string $redBrick;
global string $brownBrick;
global string $asphalt;
* The initiation function that resets an old scene and starts a new one with appropriate viewing conditions
* @return: none;
proc init()
file -f -new;
global int $nsCounter;
global float $buildPos[];
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//now put into smooth shade mode and wireframe on shaded automatically
$currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`;
string $panelType = `getPanel -to $currentPanel`;
if ($panelType == "modelPanel")
modelEditor -wos true -e -da smoothShaded $currentPanel;
$groundDisplayLayer = "groundPlaneLayer";
$PiecesDisplayLayer = "pieceLayer";
$lightsDisplayLayer = "lightsLayer";
//create display layers ( will make it easier to set selection filters on objects later )
createDisplayLayer -name $groundDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
createDisplayLayer -name $PiecesDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
createDisplayLayer -name $lightsDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
$nsCounter = 0;
//now to clear any global arrays in memory
clear $buildPos;
* Create all GUi and associate with global input variables
* @return: none;
proc createGUI()
//reinitializing global vars so I can see they are in scope here and can be set
global string $thisWindow;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $road_MailboxCheck;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $road_TreeCheck;
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
//for when running the same script (so that two of the same windows are not created)
if(`window -exists $thisWindow`)
deleteUI -window $thisWindow;
//creating GUI
$thisWindow = `window -title "Term Project - Downtown, no finer place for sure!" -menuBar true -sizeable false -widthHeight 310 620`;
menu -label "File";
menuItem -label "new scene" -command "init()";
menu -label "Edit";
menuItem -label "Delete Build Piece" -command "deletePiece()";
menuItem -label "Rotate Build Piece Right" -command "rotatePiece( 90 )";
menuItem -label "Rotate Build Piece Left" -command "rotatePiece( -90 )";
menu -label "Recommended Select Modes";
menuItem -label "Ground Face Select" -command "tglSelectMode( 0 )";
menuItem -label "Build Piece Select" -command "tglSelectMode( 1 )";
frameLayout -collapsable false -label "Transform Controls" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 150 -cw 2 150;
button -label "Rotate Build Piece Right" -command "rotatePiece( 90 )" -width 150 -height 50 ;
button -label "Rotate Build Piece Left" -command "rotatePiece( -90 )" -width 150 -height 50;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Create Base Plane" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$basePlane_Size = `intSliderGrp -label "Size of Ground Plane" -field true
-cl3 "left" "left" "left"
-cw3 100 30 170
-minValue 3 -maxValue 50
-fieldMinValue -100 -fieldMaxValue 100
-value 3
-changeCommand "refreshPlane()"
-dragCommand "refreshPlane()"`;
button -label "create base plane" -command "createBasePlane()" -width 20 -height 25;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Buildings" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$building_SkyscraperCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "skyscrapers" -align "left"`;
$building_ApartmentCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "apartments" -align "left"`;
$building_GovernmentCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "government" -align "left"`;
$building_MidLevelOneCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "mid-level 1" -align "left"`;
$building_MidLevelTwoCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "mid-level 2" -align "left"`;
$building_BuildHeightSlide = `intSliderGrp -label "Average Height Level" -field true
-cl3 "left" "left" "left"
-cw3 100 30 170
-minValue 1 -maxValue 30
-fieldMinValue -100 -fieldMaxValue 100
-value 20`;
button -label "create buildings" -command "createBuildings()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Road" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$road_LightpostCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "street lights" -align "left"`;
//$road_MailboxCheck = `checkBox -label "mailboxes" -align "left"`;
//$road_TreesCheck= `checkBox -label "trees" -align "left"`;
$road_DirRadio = `radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 2
-sl 1 -cw 1 60 -cw 2 40 -cw 3 50
-label "direction"
-labelArray2 "x" "z"`;
button -label "create road" -command "createRoad()" -width 20;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Right Road Turn" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$turnRoad_LightpostCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "street lights" -align "left"`;
button -label "create turning road" -command "createRightRoad()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Intersection" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$intersection_StreetlightCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "traffic lights" -align "left"`;
button -label "create intersection" -command "createIntersection()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
showWindow $thisWindow;
///////////// begin primary functions /////////
* Creates the base ground terrain which is used to select where to place build pieces such as roads and buildings
* @return: none;
proc createBasePlane()
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $groundPlaneName = "groundPlane";
global string $groundPlaneName2;
if ( `objExists $groundPlaneName` )
error "Sorry, only one ground can be created at a time";
string $polyPlaneNames[] = `polyPlane -n $groundPlaneName`;
$groundPlaneName2 = $polyPlaneNames[1];
editDisplayLayerMembers $groundDisplayLayer $polyPlaneNames[0]; //add ground plane to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Refreshes the ground terrain interactively as sliders in the GUi and manipulated. This is so the plane can be resized but each face stays in the same place.
* @return: none;
proc refreshPlane()
global string $basePlane_SDX;
global string $basePlane_SDZ;
global string $basePlane_Width;
global string $basePlane_Depth;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $groundPlaneName;
global string $groundPlaneName2;
if ( `objExists $groundPlaneName` )
int $sx = `intSliderGrp -q -value $basePlane_Size`;
int $sx = $sx * 2;
int $sz = $sx;
int $width = $sx * 4;
int $height = $sx * 4;
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".subdivisionsWidth") ($sx);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".subdivisionsHeight") ($sz);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".width") ($width);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".height") ($height);
* Create a straight road piece ( with or without streetlights according to GUi)
* @return: none;
proc createRoad()
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $dir = `radioButtonGrp -q -select $road_DirRadio`;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos );
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[39]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[51]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[36]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[38]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[48]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[50]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $road_LightpostCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//addstreetlights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 0;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 180;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
if ( $dir == 2 )
//to align to x-axis
setAttr ($baseGround[0] + ".rotateY") 90;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Create a four-way intersection with or without traffic lights
* @return: none;
proc createIntersection()
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos );
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
//second curb
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[49]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[55]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[57]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[59]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[61]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[71]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[73]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[79]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[81]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[83]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[85]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:60]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[62:63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71:72]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[74:75]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $intersection_StreetlightCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//add traffic lights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createTrafficLight();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") -90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createTrafficLight();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Create a rigt-angled turn road piece ( with or without streetlights)
* @return: none;
proc createRightRoad()
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos ); //add build point to list of spaces now is use
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
//z-axis aligned initially
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
//second curb
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[49]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[55]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[57]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[59]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[61]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[71]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[73]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[79]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[81]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[83]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[85]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[36]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[50]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:62]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[72]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[74:75]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[51]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $turnRoad_LightpostCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//add traffic lights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 180;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") $buildPos[2];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") -90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* General Building creation function that create on selected face and randomizes which of the 5 types of buildings are created.
* ( the types of buildings selectable can also be altered by GUi)
* @return: none;
proc createBuildings()
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $pointPos[3];
//go through all faces selected
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$pointPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$pointPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$pointPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $pointPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
float $randNum;
int $heightValue = `intSliderGrp -q -value $building_BuildHeightSlide`;
int $buildingSomething = false;
int $wantSky = `checkBox -q -value $building_SkyscraperCheck`;
int $wantGov = `checkBox -q -value $building_GovernmentCheck`;
int $wantApt = `checkBox -q -value $building_ApartmentCheck`;
int $wantMedOne = `checkBox -q -value $building_MidLevelOneCheck`;
int $wantMedTwo = `checkBox -q -value $building_MidLevelTwoCheck`;
//must check to make sure one of the buildings options is checked or else will get stuck in infinite loop
if (!$wantSky && !$wantGov && !$wantApt && !$wantMedOne && !$wantMedTwo)
warning "no buildings are selected so none will be created";
while ( !$buildingSomething )
$randNum = (int)`rand 0 4.99`;
switch ( $randNum )
case 0.0:
if ( $wantSky )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createSkyscrapper( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 1.0:
if ( $wantGov )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createGovernmentBuild( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 2.0:
if ( $wantApt )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createApartmentBuild( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 3.0:
if ( $wantMedOne )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createMediumBuildOne( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 4.0:
if ( $wantMedTwo )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createMediumBuildTwo( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
* Create Skyscrapper building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createSkyscrapper( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
int $numSecondSections = $randHeight - (int)($randHeight * 0.9);
int $numThirdSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 0.5 -p -1.0 0.0 1.5 -p 1.0 0.0 1.5 -p 2.0 0.0 0.5 -p 1.0 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.0 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
rotate -os -r 0 45deg 0 $baseShapeName[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale 0.8 0.8 0.8 $baseFloorShape[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
//$bottomCeiling ( will place after windows )
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 5; //create windows
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//first section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
//second section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numSecondSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale 0.95 0.95 0.95 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
//third section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numThirdSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Government building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createGovernmentBuild( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numSteps = 10;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.25;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
for( $i = 0; $i < $numSteps; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
$currScale -= 0.05;
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.1 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.1;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $bottomCeiling[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.1 -ls 0.6 0.6 0.6 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -kft true -ltz -0.08 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Apartment building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createApartmentBuild( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.25;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
//$bottomCeiling ( will place after windows )
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $bottomCeiling[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.08 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Medium-sized building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createMediumBuildOne( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.15;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.5 0.6 0.8 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.03 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.8 0.8 0.8 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.05 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.12 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Medium-sized building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createMediumBuildTwo( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.15;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.5 0.6 0.8 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.03 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.8 0.8 0.8 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.05 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
$currentHeight += 0.5;
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.1) $currScale ($currScale + 0.1) $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.2;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.12 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
///////////// end primary functions /////////
///////////// begin secondary functions /////
* Rotates a selected build piece
* @param: float ( the angle by which the piece will be rotated )
* @return: none
proc rotatePiece( float $angle )
string $allSelObjects[] = `ls -sl`;
float $currRot;
for ($obj in $allSelObjects)
$currRot = `getAttr ($obj + ".rotateY")`;
setAttr ($obj + ".rotateY") ($currRot + $angle);
* Deletes a selected build piece ( and also removes it position from global reference so that other pieces can now be placed in its spot)
* @return: none
proc deletePiece()
global float $buildPos[];
string $allSelObjects[] = `ls -sl`;
float $currRot;
for ($obj in $allSelObjects)
//first remove the point references from
float $objPos[] = `getAttr ($obj + ".rotatePivot")`;
int $arrSize = size($buildPos);
int $i;
for($i = 0; $i < $arrSize; $i+=2)
if(($objPos[0] == $buildPos[$i]) && ($objPos[2] == $buildPos[$i + 1]))
$buildPos[$i] = -1000;
$buildPos[$i + 1] = -1001;
delete $obj;
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Rotates a selected build piece ( or many either left or right/counterclockwise clockwise)
* @param: int ( 0 = exclusive face select mode of ground plane, 1 = can only select build pieces )
* @return: none
proc tglSelectMode( int $selector )
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//clear everything first
select -clear;
hilite -unHilite "*";
if ($selector == 0)
//face select mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = template, 2 = reference ( i.e. locked ) )
setAttr ($groundDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 0;
setAttr ($PiecesDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
setAttr ($lightsDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
global string $groundPlaneName;
grid -toggle false; //turn off grid for better visibility
hilite $groundPlaneName; //hilite ground plane for component selection
selectMode -component; //set selct mode to only components ( not objects )
selectType -allComponents false; //set to only select faces
selectType -facet true;
else if ($selector == 1)
//object select mode
//face select mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = template, 2 = reference ( i.e. locked ) )
setAttr ($groundDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
setAttr ($PiecesDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 0;
setAttr ($lightsDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
selectMode -object;
* Create a street light and return reference to itself
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc string[] createLightPost()
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $newPost[];
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.15 -h 0.25 -d 0.15 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 0.4;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.05 -h 2.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 1.5;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.04 -h 1.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") -0.49;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.5;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 105;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.12 -h 0.18 -d 0.085 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") -1.05;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.63;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 90;
$newPost = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
namespace -set ":";
return $newPost;
* Create a traffic light and return reference to itself
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc string[] createTrafficLight()
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $newPost[];
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.15 -h 0.25 -d 0.15 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 0.4;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.05 -h 2.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 1.5;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.03 -h 1.3 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.62;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.45;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") -95;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.055 -h 0.65 -d 0.30 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.04;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 90;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.92;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.92;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.32;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.32;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
namespace -set ":";
return $newPost;
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc createShaders()
global string $blueGlass;
global string $greenGlass;
global string $concrete;
global string $redBrick;
global string $brownBrick;
global string $asphalt;
$blueGlass = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.11877 0.11877 0.535;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".specularRollOff") 1;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".eccentricity") 0.1009;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".reflectivity") 1;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".specularColor") -type double3 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".transparency") -type double3 0.09448 0.09448 0.09448 ;
$greenGlass = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.11877 0.11877 0.535;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".specularRollOff") 1;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".eccentricity") 0.1009;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".reflectivity") 1;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".specularColor") -type double3 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".transparency") -type double3 0.09448 0.09448 0.09448 ;
$concrete = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.478 0.478 0.478;
$redBrick = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($redBrick + ".color") -type double3 0.5 0.019 0.0463368;
$brownBrick = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($brownBrick + ".color") -type double3 0.5 0.18225 0;
$asphalt = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($asphalt + ".color") -type double3 0.204 0.204 0.204;
///////////// end secondary functions /////////
///////////// begin helper functions /////////
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @return: float[] ( an array of all face points currently selected )
proc float[] returnSelectedFacePositions()
//first make sure the groundPlane is selected
global string $groundPlaneName;
float $allFacePos[];
int $facePosCounter = 0;
string $allObjects[];
string $obj;
string $parentObj;
$allSelObjects = `ls -sl`;
//error checking for if any items are selected and then whether appropriate items are selected
if ( size($allSelObjects) == 0)
error "Nothing selected: must have faces selected to build items";
return $allFacePos;
int $numFaces[] = `polyEvaluate -faceComponent -vertexComponent -edgeComponent`; //num of selected components
if (( $numFaces[1] != 0 ) || ( $numFaces[2] != 0 ) )
error "must select face components only";
return $allFacePos;
else if ( $numFaces[0] == 0 )
error "must have faces selected to build items";
return $allFacePos;
Need to use filterExpand so that maya will not automatically "group" objects i.e. object.f[20:22]
but rather list each face listed individually i.e. object.f[20] object.f[21] object.f[22]
$allSelObjects = `filterExpand -ex true -sm 34`;
for ( $obj in $allSelObjects )
//finding parent of component selected
$parentObj = getParentFromComponent( $obj );
if ( $parentObj == $groundPlaneName )
float $facePoints[] = `xform -q -t -ws $obj`;
float $faceCentre[] = getFaceCentre( $facePoints );
//print( $faceCentre[0] + " " + $faceCentre[1] + " " + $faceCentre[2] + "\n" );
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 0 ] = $faceCentre[0];
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 1 ] = $faceCentre[1];
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 2 ] = $faceCentre[2];
if ($obj == ("|" + $groundPlaneName))
error "one or more of the faces of the ground plane must be selected to create";
error "the faces selected for creating must belong to the ground plane";
return $allFacePos;
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @param: float[] ( list of all vertex points of face )
* @return: float[] ( the face centre's point )
proc float[] getFaceCentre( float $points[] )
float $faceCenter[];
$faceCenter[0] = ( $points[0] + $points[3] + $points[6] + $points[9] ) / 4.0;
$faceCenter[1] = ( $points[1] + $points[4] + $points[7] + $points[10] ) / 4.0;
$faceCenter[2] = ( $points[2] + $points[5] + $points[8] + $points[11] ) / 4.0;
return $faceCenter;
* Return the parent reference of the currently selected component
* @param: string ( component reference )
* @return: float[] ( the face centre's point )
proc string getParentFromComponent( string $objName )
//finding parent of component selected
string $parent[] = `listRelatives -p $objName`;
if ( $parent[0] != "" )
$parent = `listRelatives -p $parent[0]`;
$parentObj = $parent[0];
return $parent[0];
* Return the parent reference of the currently selected component
* @param: float[] ( point to check )
* @return: int ( 1 = used, 0 = not used )
proc int isUsedSpot( float $buildPoint[] )
global float $buildPos[];
int $arrSize = size( $buildPos );
int $i;
int $usedSpot = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $arrSize; $i+=2 )
if ( ($buildPos[$i] == $buildPoint[0]) && ($buildPos[$i+1] == $buildPoint[2]) )
$usedSpot = 1;
return $usedSpot;
* Add the given point to array of "pieces can't go here" array
* @param: float[] ( the point that will be added to global reference to signify that another build piece cannot be placed there )
* @return: none
proc addBuildPoint( float $buildPoint[] )
global float $buildPos[];
int $arrSize = size( $buildPos );
$buildPos[ $arrSize ] = $buildPoint[0];
$buildPos[ $arrSize + 1 ] = $buildPoint[2];
* Return a unique string name suitable for a new namespace identifier
* @return: string ( namespace name )
proc string getNewNamespace()
global int $nsCounter;
string $namespace_tmp = "Building_" + $nsCounter;
return $namespace_tmp;
thats one amazing script,,,, thanks dude
ReplyDeleteI run the script for Maya 2016, and I get this error:
ReplyDelete// Error: ... polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($bas //
// Error: Line 312.145: Unterminated string. //
// Error: ... polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($bas //
// Error: Line 321.145: Unterminated string. //
// Error: ... polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($bas //
// Error: Line 405.145: Unterminated string. //
// Error: ... polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($bas //
// Error: Line 414.145: Unterminated string. //
// Error: ...($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:60]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[62:63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71:72]") ($baseG //
// Error: Line 432.143: Unterminated string. //
// Error: if ( $wantLights )
// Error: Line 436.21: "$wantLights" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($bas //
// Error: Line 499.145: Unterminated string. //
// Error: ... polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($bas //
// Error: Line 508.145: Unterminated string. //
Syntax Error
DeleteSyntax Error
ReplyDeletesame syntax Error
ReplyDeleteGreat work
ReplyDeleteSyntax Error
ReplyDeleteAnyone plz Mail me the script plzzz...... if it is working
ReplyDeleteMy mail id m.seshu4@gmail.com
its working mate.
ReplyDeletealguien me puede enviar el scrit a hssolarte4@misena.edu.co
ReplyDeletei ran the script i get no errors or warnings and nothing happens. no result// appears nothing. not sure what to do.
ReplyDeletechoose mel and not python and no syntax error
ReplyDeleteSyntax Error
ReplyDeleteThis is great. It works seamlessly in Maya 2016 and Maya 2018... THANKS!!!
ReplyDeleteis it work in maya 2017?