Tutorial zone 1
Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday, August 7, 2015
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Monday, April 7, 2014
Build city in Maya quickly . mel script
// setup
/*** start end required ***/
//global variables that will hold inputs from "user-input" of GUI
global string $thisWindow;
global string $road_MailboxCheck;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $road_TreeCheck;
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
global string $building_BuildDensitySlide;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
//names of displayLayers
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//global vars for keeping track of objects
global string $groundPlaneName; //because I only want one ground at a time
global string $groundPlaneName2; //required polyname to required to set some attributes
global float $buildPos[]; //used to keep track of where pieces have already been put
global int $nsCounter; //a counter that keep sall namespaces together
global string $blueGlass;
global string $greenGlass;
global string $concrete;
global string $redBrick;
global string $brownBrick;
global string $asphalt;
* The initiation function that resets an old scene and starts a new one with appropriate viewing conditions
* @return: none;
proc init()
file -f -new;
global int $nsCounter;
global float $buildPos[];
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//now put into smooth shade mode and wireframe on shaded automatically
$currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`;
string $panelType = `getPanel -to $currentPanel`;
if ($panelType == "modelPanel")
modelEditor -wos true -e -da smoothShaded $currentPanel;
$groundDisplayLayer = "groundPlaneLayer";
$PiecesDisplayLayer = "pieceLayer";
$lightsDisplayLayer = "lightsLayer";
//create display layers ( will make it easier to set selection filters on objects later )
createDisplayLayer -name $groundDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
createDisplayLayer -name $PiecesDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
createDisplayLayer -name $lightsDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
$nsCounter = 0;
//now to clear any global arrays in memory
clear $buildPos;
* Create all GUi and associate with global input variables
* @return: none;
proc createGUI()
//reinitializing global vars so I can see they are in scope here and can be set
global string $thisWindow;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $road_MailboxCheck;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $road_TreeCheck;
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
//for when running the same script (so that two of the same windows are not created)
if(`window -exists $thisWindow`)
deleteUI -window $thisWindow;
//creating GUI
$thisWindow = `window -title "Term Project - Downtown, no finer place for sure!" -menuBar true -sizeable false -widthHeight 310 620`;
menu -label "File";
menuItem -label "new scene" -command "init()";
menu -label "Edit";
menuItem -label "Delete Build Piece" -command "deletePiece()";
menuItem -label "Rotate Build Piece Right" -command "rotatePiece( 90 )";
menuItem -label "Rotate Build Piece Left" -command "rotatePiece( -90 )";
menu -label "Recommended Select Modes";
menuItem -label "Ground Face Select" -command "tglSelectMode( 0 )";
menuItem -label "Build Piece Select" -command "tglSelectMode( 1 )";
frameLayout -collapsable false -label "Transform Controls" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 150 -cw 2 150;
button -label "Rotate Build Piece Right" -command "rotatePiece( 90 )" -width 150 -height 50 ;
button -label "Rotate Build Piece Left" -command "rotatePiece( -90 )" -width 150 -height 50;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Create Base Plane" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$basePlane_Size = `intSliderGrp -label "Size of Ground Plane" -field true
-cl3 "left" "left" "left"
-cw3 100 30 170
-minValue 3 -maxValue 50
-fieldMinValue -100 -fieldMaxValue 100
-value 3
-changeCommand "refreshPlane()"
-dragCommand "refreshPlane()"`;
button -label "create base plane" -command "createBasePlane()" -width 20 -height 25;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Buildings" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$building_SkyscraperCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "skyscrapers" -align "left"`;
$building_ApartmentCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "apartments" -align "left"`;
$building_GovernmentCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "government" -align "left"`;
$building_MidLevelOneCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "mid-level 1" -align "left"`;
$building_MidLevelTwoCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "mid-level 2" -align "left"`;
$building_BuildHeightSlide = `intSliderGrp -label "Average Height Level" -field true
-cl3 "left" "left" "left"
-cw3 100 30 170
-minValue 1 -maxValue 30
-fieldMinValue -100 -fieldMaxValue 100
-value 20`;
button -label "create buildings" -command "createBuildings()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Road" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$road_LightpostCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "street lights" -align "left"`;
//$road_MailboxCheck = `checkBox -label "mailboxes" -align "left"`;
//$road_TreesCheck= `checkBox -label "trees" -align "left"`;
$road_DirRadio = `radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 2
-sl 1 -cw 1 60 -cw 2 40 -cw 3 50
-label "direction"
-labelArray2 "x" "z"`;
button -label "create road" -command "createRoad()" -width 20;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Right Road Turn" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$turnRoad_LightpostCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "street lights" -align "left"`;
button -label "create turning road" -command "createRightRoad()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Intersection" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$intersection_StreetlightCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "traffic lights" -align "left"`;
button -label "create intersection" -command "createIntersection()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
showWindow $thisWindow;
///////////// begin primary functions /////////
* Creates the base ground terrain which is used to select where to place build pieces such as roads and buildings
* @return: none;
proc createBasePlane()
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $groundPlaneName = "groundPlane";
global string $groundPlaneName2;
if ( `objExists $groundPlaneName` )
error "Sorry, only one ground can be created at a time";
string $polyPlaneNames[] = `polyPlane -n $groundPlaneName`;
$groundPlaneName2 = $polyPlaneNames[1];
editDisplayLayerMembers $groundDisplayLayer $polyPlaneNames[0]; //add ground plane to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Refreshes the ground terrain interactively as sliders in the GUi and manipulated. This is so the plane can be resized but each face stays in the same place.
* @return: none;
proc refreshPlane()
global string $basePlane_SDX;
global string $basePlane_SDZ;
global string $basePlane_Width;
global string $basePlane_Depth;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $groundPlaneName;
global string $groundPlaneName2;
if ( `objExists $groundPlaneName` )
int $sx = `intSliderGrp -q -value $basePlane_Size`;
int $sx = $sx * 2;
int $sz = $sx;
int $width = $sx * 4;
int $height = $sx * 4;
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".subdivisionsWidth") ($sx);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".subdivisionsHeight") ($sz);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".width") ($width);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".height") ($height);
* Create a straight road piece ( with or without streetlights according to GUi)
* @return: none;
proc createRoad()
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $dir = `radioButtonGrp -q -select $road_DirRadio`;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos );
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[39]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[51]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[36]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[38]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[48]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[50]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $road_LightpostCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//addstreetlights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 0;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 180;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
if ( $dir == 2 )
//to align to x-axis
setAttr ($baseGround[0] + ".rotateY") 90;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Create a four-way intersection with or without traffic lights
* @return: none;
proc createIntersection()
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos );
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
//second curb
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[49]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[55]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[57]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[59]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[61]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[71]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[73]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[79]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[81]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[83]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[85]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:60]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[62:63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71:72]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[74:75]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $intersection_StreetlightCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//add traffic lights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createTrafficLight();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") -90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createTrafficLight();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Create a rigt-angled turn road piece ( with or without streetlights)
* @return: none;
proc createRightRoad()
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos ); //add build point to list of spaces now is use
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
//z-axis aligned initially
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
//second curb
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[49]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[55]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[57]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[59]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[61]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[71]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[73]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[79]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[81]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[83]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[85]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[36]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[50]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:62]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[72]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[74:75]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[51]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $turnRoad_LightpostCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//add traffic lights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 180;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") $buildPos[2];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") -90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* General Building creation function that create on selected face and randomizes which of the 5 types of buildings are created.
* ( the types of buildings selectable can also be altered by GUi)
* @return: none;
proc createBuildings()
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $pointPos[3];
//go through all faces selected
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$pointPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$pointPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$pointPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $pointPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
float $randNum;
int $heightValue = `intSliderGrp -q -value $building_BuildHeightSlide`;
int $buildingSomething = false;
int $wantSky = `checkBox -q -value $building_SkyscraperCheck`;
int $wantGov = `checkBox -q -value $building_GovernmentCheck`;
int $wantApt = `checkBox -q -value $building_ApartmentCheck`;
int $wantMedOne = `checkBox -q -value $building_MidLevelOneCheck`;
int $wantMedTwo = `checkBox -q -value $building_MidLevelTwoCheck`;
//must check to make sure one of the buildings options is checked or else will get stuck in infinite loop
if (!$wantSky && !$wantGov && !$wantApt && !$wantMedOne && !$wantMedTwo)
warning "no buildings are selected so none will be created";
while ( !$buildingSomething )
$randNum = (int)`rand 0 4.99`;
switch ( $randNum )
case 0.0:
if ( $wantSky )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createSkyscrapper( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 1.0:
if ( $wantGov )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createGovernmentBuild( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 2.0:
if ( $wantApt )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createApartmentBuild( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 3.0:
if ( $wantMedOne )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createMediumBuildOne( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 4.0:
if ( $wantMedTwo )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createMediumBuildTwo( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
* Create Skyscrapper building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createSkyscrapper( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
int $numSecondSections = $randHeight - (int)($randHeight * 0.9);
int $numThirdSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 0.5 -p -1.0 0.0 1.5 -p 1.0 0.0 1.5 -p 2.0 0.0 0.5 -p 1.0 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.0 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
rotate -os -r 0 45deg 0 $baseShapeName[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale 0.8 0.8 0.8 $baseFloorShape[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
//$bottomCeiling ( will place after windows )
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 5; //create windows
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//first section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
//second section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numSecondSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale 0.95 0.95 0.95 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
//third section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numThirdSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Government building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createGovernmentBuild( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numSteps = 10;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.25;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
for( $i = 0; $i < $numSteps; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
$currScale -= 0.05;
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.1 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.1;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $bottomCeiling[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.1 -ls 0.6 0.6 0.6 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -kft true -ltz -0.08 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Apartment building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createApartmentBuild( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.25;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
//$bottomCeiling ( will place after windows )
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $bottomCeiling[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.08 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Medium-sized building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createMediumBuildOne( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.15;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.5 0.6 0.8 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.03 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.8 0.8 0.8 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.05 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.12 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Medium-sized building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createMediumBuildTwo( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.15;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.5 0.6 0.8 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.03 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.8 0.8 0.8 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.05 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
$currentHeight += 0.5;
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.1) $currScale ($currScale + 0.1) $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.2;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.12 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
///////////// end primary functions /////////
///////////// begin secondary functions /////
* Rotates a selected build piece
* @param: float ( the angle by which the piece will be rotated )
* @return: none
proc rotatePiece( float $angle )
string $allSelObjects[] = `ls -sl`;
float $currRot;
for ($obj in $allSelObjects)
$currRot = `getAttr ($obj + ".rotateY")`;
setAttr ($obj + ".rotateY") ($currRot + $angle);
* Deletes a selected build piece ( and also removes it position from global reference so that other pieces can now be placed in its spot)
* @return: none
proc deletePiece()
global float $buildPos[];
string $allSelObjects[] = `ls -sl`;
float $currRot;
for ($obj in $allSelObjects)
//first remove the point references from
float $objPos[] = `getAttr ($obj + ".rotatePivot")`;
int $arrSize = size($buildPos);
int $i;
for($i = 0; $i < $arrSize; $i+=2)
if(($objPos[0] == $buildPos[$i]) && ($objPos[2] == $buildPos[$i + 1]))
$buildPos[$i] = -1000;
$buildPos[$i + 1] = -1001;
delete $obj;
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Rotates a selected build piece ( or many either left or right/counterclockwise clockwise)
* @param: int ( 0 = exclusive face select mode of ground plane, 1 = can only select build pieces )
* @return: none
proc tglSelectMode( int $selector )
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//clear everything first
select -clear;
hilite -unHilite "*";
if ($selector == 0)
//face select mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = template, 2 = reference ( i.e. locked ) )
setAttr ($groundDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 0;
setAttr ($PiecesDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
setAttr ($lightsDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
global string $groundPlaneName;
grid -toggle false; //turn off grid for better visibility
hilite $groundPlaneName; //hilite ground plane for component selection
selectMode -component; //set selct mode to only components ( not objects )
selectType -allComponents false; //set to only select faces
selectType -facet true;
else if ($selector == 1)
//object select mode
//face select mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = template, 2 = reference ( i.e. locked ) )
setAttr ($groundDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
setAttr ($PiecesDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 0;
setAttr ($lightsDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
selectMode -object;
* Create a street light and return reference to itself
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc string[] createLightPost()
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $newPost[];
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.15 -h 0.25 -d 0.15 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 0.4;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.05 -h 2.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 1.5;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.04 -h 1.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") -0.49;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.5;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 105;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.12 -h 0.18 -d 0.085 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") -1.05;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.63;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 90;
$newPost = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
namespace -set ":";
return $newPost;
* Create a traffic light and return reference to itself
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc string[] createTrafficLight()
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $newPost[];
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.15 -h 0.25 -d 0.15 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 0.4;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.05 -h 2.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 1.5;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.03 -h 1.3 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.62;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.45;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") -95;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.055 -h 0.65 -d 0.30 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.04;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 90;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.92;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.92;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.32;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.32;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
namespace -set ":";
return $newPost;
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc createShaders()
global string $blueGlass;
global string $greenGlass;
global string $concrete;
global string $redBrick;
global string $brownBrick;
global string $asphalt;
$blueGlass = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.11877 0.11877 0.535;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".specularRollOff") 1;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".eccentricity") 0.1009;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".reflectivity") 1;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".specularColor") -type double3 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".transparency") -type double3 0.09448 0.09448 0.09448 ;
$greenGlass = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.11877 0.11877 0.535;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".specularRollOff") 1;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".eccentricity") 0.1009;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".reflectivity") 1;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".specularColor") -type double3 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".transparency") -type double3 0.09448 0.09448 0.09448 ;
$concrete = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.478 0.478 0.478;
$redBrick = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($redBrick + ".color") -type double3 0.5 0.019 0.0463368;
$brownBrick = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($brownBrick + ".color") -type double3 0.5 0.18225 0;
$asphalt = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($asphalt + ".color") -type double3 0.204 0.204 0.204;
///////////// end secondary functions /////////
///////////// begin helper functions /////////
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @return: float[] ( an array of all face points currently selected )
proc float[] returnSelectedFacePositions()
//first make sure the groundPlane is selected
global string $groundPlaneName;
float $allFacePos[];
int $facePosCounter = 0;
string $allObjects[];
string $obj;
string $parentObj;
$allSelObjects = `ls -sl`;
//error checking for if any items are selected and then whether appropriate items are selected
if ( size($allSelObjects) == 0)
error "Nothing selected: must have faces selected to build items";
return $allFacePos;
int $numFaces[] = `polyEvaluate -faceComponent -vertexComponent -edgeComponent`; //num of selected components
if (( $numFaces[1] != 0 ) || ( $numFaces[2] != 0 ) )
error "must select face components only";
return $allFacePos;
else if ( $numFaces[0] == 0 )
error "must have faces selected to build items";
return $allFacePos;
Need to use filterExpand so that maya will not automatically "group" objects i.e. object.f[20:22]
but rather list each face listed individually i.e. object.f[20] object.f[21] object.f[22]
$allSelObjects = `filterExpand -ex true -sm 34`;
for ( $obj in $allSelObjects )
//finding parent of component selected
$parentObj = getParentFromComponent( $obj );
if ( $parentObj == $groundPlaneName )
float $facePoints[] = `xform -q -t -ws $obj`;
float $faceCentre[] = getFaceCentre( $facePoints );
//print( $faceCentre[0] + " " + $faceCentre[1] + " " + $faceCentre[2] + "\n" );
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 0 ] = $faceCentre[0];
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 1 ] = $faceCentre[1];
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 2 ] = $faceCentre[2];
if ($obj == ("|" + $groundPlaneName))
error "one or more of the faces of the ground plane must be selected to create";
error "the faces selected for creating must belong to the ground plane";
return $allFacePos;
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @param: float[] ( list of all vertex points of face )
* @return: float[] ( the face centre's point )
proc float[] getFaceCentre( float $points[] )
float $faceCenter[];
$faceCenter[0] = ( $points[0] + $points[3] + $points[6] + $points[9] ) / 4.0;
$faceCenter[1] = ( $points[1] + $points[4] + $points[7] + $points[10] ) / 4.0;
$faceCenter[2] = ( $points[2] + $points[5] + $points[8] + $points[11] ) / 4.0;
return $faceCenter;
* Return the parent reference of the currently selected component
* @param: string ( component reference )
* @return: float[] ( the face centre's point )
proc string getParentFromComponent( string $objName )
//finding parent of component selected
string $parent[] = `listRelatives -p $objName`;
if ( $parent[0] != "" )
$parent = `listRelatives -p $parent[0]`;
$parentObj = $parent[0];
return $parent[0];
* Return the parent reference of the currently selected component
* @param: float[] ( point to check )
* @return: int ( 1 = used, 0 = not used )
proc int isUsedSpot( float $buildPoint[] )
global float $buildPos[];
int $arrSize = size( $buildPos );
int $i;
int $usedSpot = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $arrSize; $i+=2 )
if ( ($buildPos[$i] == $buildPoint[0]) && ($buildPos[$i+1] == $buildPoint[2]) )
$usedSpot = 1;
return $usedSpot;
* Add the given point to array of "pieces can't go here" array
* @param: float[] ( the point that will be added to global reference to signify that another build piece cannot be placed there )
* @return: none
proc addBuildPoint( float $buildPoint[] )
global float $buildPos[];
int $arrSize = size( $buildPos );
$buildPos[ $arrSize ] = $buildPoint[0];
$buildPos[ $arrSize + 1 ] = $buildPoint[2];
* Return a unique string name suitable for a new namespace identifier
* @return: string ( namespace name )
proc string getNewNamespace()
global int $nsCounter;
string $namespace_tmp = "Building_" + $nsCounter;
return $namespace_tmp;
/*** start end required ***/
//global variables that will hold inputs from "user-input" of GUI
global string $thisWindow;
global string $road_MailboxCheck;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $road_TreeCheck;
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
global string $building_BuildDensitySlide;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
//names of displayLayers
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//global vars for keeping track of objects
global string $groundPlaneName; //because I only want one ground at a time
global string $groundPlaneName2; //required polyname to required to set some attributes
global float $buildPos[]; //used to keep track of where pieces have already been put
global int $nsCounter; //a counter that keep sall namespaces together
global string $blueGlass;
global string $greenGlass;
global string $concrete;
global string $redBrick;
global string $brownBrick;
global string $asphalt;
* The initiation function that resets an old scene and starts a new one with appropriate viewing conditions
* @return: none;
proc init()
file -f -new;
global int $nsCounter;
global float $buildPos[];
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//now put into smooth shade mode and wireframe on shaded automatically
$currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`;
string $panelType = `getPanel -to $currentPanel`;
if ($panelType == "modelPanel")
modelEditor -wos true -e -da smoothShaded $currentPanel;
$groundDisplayLayer = "groundPlaneLayer";
$PiecesDisplayLayer = "pieceLayer";
$lightsDisplayLayer = "lightsLayer";
//create display layers ( will make it easier to set selection filters on objects later )
createDisplayLayer -name $groundDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
createDisplayLayer -name $PiecesDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
createDisplayLayer -name $lightsDisplayLayer -number 1 -empty;
$nsCounter = 0;
//now to clear any global arrays in memory
clear $buildPos;
* Create all GUi and associate with global input variables
* @return: none;
proc createGUI()
//reinitializing global vars so I can see they are in scope here and can be set
global string $thisWindow;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $road_MailboxCheck;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $road_TreeCheck;
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
//for when running the same script (so that two of the same windows are not created)
if(`window -exists $thisWindow`)
deleteUI -window $thisWindow;
//creating GUI
$thisWindow = `window -title "Term Project - Downtown, no finer place for sure!" -menuBar true -sizeable false -widthHeight 310 620`;
menu -label "File";
menuItem -label "new scene" -command "init()";
menu -label "Edit";
menuItem -label "Delete Build Piece" -command "deletePiece()";
menuItem -label "Rotate Build Piece Right" -command "rotatePiece( 90 )";
menuItem -label "Rotate Build Piece Left" -command "rotatePiece( -90 )";
menu -label "Recommended Select Modes";
menuItem -label "Ground Face Select" -command "tglSelectMode( 0 )";
menuItem -label "Build Piece Select" -command "tglSelectMode( 1 )";
frameLayout -collapsable false -label "Transform Controls" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 150 -cw 2 150;
button -label "Rotate Build Piece Right" -command "rotatePiece( 90 )" -width 150 -height 50 ;
button -label "Rotate Build Piece Left" -command "rotatePiece( -90 )" -width 150 -height 50;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Create Base Plane" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$basePlane_Size = `intSliderGrp -label "Size of Ground Plane" -field true
-cl3 "left" "left" "left"
-cw3 100 30 170
-minValue 3 -maxValue 50
-fieldMinValue -100 -fieldMaxValue 100
-value 3
-changeCommand "refreshPlane()"
-dragCommand "refreshPlane()"`;
button -label "create base plane" -command "createBasePlane()" -width 20 -height 25;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Buildings" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$building_SkyscraperCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "skyscrapers" -align "left"`;
$building_ApartmentCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "apartments" -align "left"`;
$building_GovernmentCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "government" -align "left"`;
$building_MidLevelOneCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "mid-level 1" -align "left"`;
$building_MidLevelTwoCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "mid-level 2" -align "left"`;
$building_BuildHeightSlide = `intSliderGrp -label "Average Height Level" -field true
-cl3 "left" "left" "left"
-cw3 100 30 170
-minValue 1 -maxValue 30
-fieldMinValue -100 -fieldMaxValue 100
-value 20`;
button -label "create buildings" -command "createBuildings()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Road" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$road_LightpostCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "street lights" -align "left"`;
//$road_MailboxCheck = `checkBox -label "mailboxes" -align "left"`;
//$road_TreesCheck= `checkBox -label "trees" -align "left"`;
$road_DirRadio = `radioButtonGrp -numberOfRadioButtons 2
-sl 1 -cw 1 60 -cw 2 40 -cw 3 50
-label "direction"
-labelArray2 "x" "z"`;
button -label "create road" -command "createRoad()" -width 20;
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Right Road Turn" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$turnRoad_LightpostCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "street lights" -align "left"`;
button -label "create turning road" -command "createRightRoad()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Intersection" -width 300;
rowColumnLayout -nc 1 -cw 1 300;
$intersection_StreetlightCheck = `checkBox -value true -label "traffic lights" -align "left"`;
button -label "create intersection" -command "createIntersection()";
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
showWindow $thisWindow;
///////////// begin primary functions /////////
* Creates the base ground terrain which is used to select where to place build pieces such as roads and buildings
* @return: none;
proc createBasePlane()
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $groundPlaneName = "groundPlane";
global string $groundPlaneName2;
if ( `objExists $groundPlaneName` )
error "Sorry, only one ground can be created at a time";
string $polyPlaneNames[] = `polyPlane -n $groundPlaneName`;
$groundPlaneName2 = $polyPlaneNames[1];
editDisplayLayerMembers $groundDisplayLayer $polyPlaneNames[0]; //add ground plane to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Refreshes the ground terrain interactively as sliders in the GUi and manipulated. This is so the plane can be resized but each face stays in the same place.
* @return: none;
proc refreshPlane()
global string $basePlane_SDX;
global string $basePlane_SDZ;
global string $basePlane_Width;
global string $basePlane_Depth;
global string $basePlane_Size;
global string $groundPlaneName;
global string $groundPlaneName2;
if ( `objExists $groundPlaneName` )
int $sx = `intSliderGrp -q -value $basePlane_Size`;
int $sx = $sx * 2;
int $sz = $sx;
int $width = $sx * 4;
int $height = $sx * 4;
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".subdivisionsWidth") ($sx);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".subdivisionsHeight") ($sz);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".width") ($width);
setAttr ($groundPlaneName2 + ".height") ($height);
* Create a straight road piece ( with or without streetlights according to GUi)
* @return: none;
proc createRoad()
global string $road_DirRadio;
global string $road_LightpostCheck;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $dir = `radioButtonGrp -q -select $road_DirRadio`;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos );
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[39]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[51]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[36]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[38]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[48]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[50]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $road_LightpostCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//addstreetlights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 0;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 180;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
if ( $dir == 2 )
//to align to x-axis
setAttr ($baseGround[0] + ".rotateY") 90;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Create a four-way intersection with or without traffic lights
* @return: none;
proc createIntersection()
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $intersection_StreetlightCheck;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos );
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
//second curb
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[49]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[55]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[57]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[59]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[61]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[71]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[73]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[79]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[81]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[83]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[85]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:60]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[62:63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71:72]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[74:75]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $intersection_StreetlightCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//add traffic lights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createTrafficLight();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") -90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createTrafficLight();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] + 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Create a rigt-angled turn road piece ( with or without streetlights)
* @return: none;
proc createRightRoad()
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $turnRoad_LightpostCheck;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $buildPos[3];
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$buildPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$buildPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$buildPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $buildPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
addBuildPoint( $buildPos ); //add build point to list of spaces now is use
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.24 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
//z-axis aligned initially
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[12]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[13]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[6]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[17]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[2]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[10]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[25]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.25 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.3333333 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.5 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[44:45]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[51]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[53]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[65]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[68:69]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[75]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[77]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[87]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[89]");
//second curb
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[1]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[8]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[16]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[32]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[43]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[47]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[49]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[55]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[57]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[59]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[61]");
polySplitRing -sma 180 -wt 0.8 ($baseGround[0] + ".e[3]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[40]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[71]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[73]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[79]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[81]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[83]") ($baseGround[0] + ".e[85]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[24]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[26]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[36]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[50]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[59:62]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[72]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[74:75]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[7]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[15]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[19]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[27]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[63]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[71]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.06 -ls 0.95 0.95 0.95 ($baseGround[0] + ".f[11]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[23]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[35]") ($baseGround[0] + ".f[51]");
int $wantLights = `checkBox -q -value $turnRoad_LightpostCheck`;
if ( $wantLights )
//add traffic lights ( if checked )
string $streeLight[];
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") $buildPos[0];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") ($buildPos[2] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") 180;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
$streeLight = createLightPost();
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateX") ($buildPos[0] - 1.8);
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".translateZ") $buildPos[2];
setAttr ($streeLight[0] + ".rotateY") -90;
$baseGround = `polyUnite $baseGround[0] $streeLight[0] `;
delete -ch $baseGround[0];
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 $baseGround[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($baseGround[0] + ".scalePivot") ($baseGround[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $baseGround[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* General Building creation function that create on selected face and randomizes which of the 5 types of buildings are created.
* ( the types of buildings selectable can also be altered by GUi)
* @return: none;
proc createBuildings()
global string $building_SkyscraperCheck;
global string $building_ApartmentCheck;
global string $building_GovernmentCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelOneCheck;
global string $building_MidLevelTwoCheck;
global string $building_BuildHeightSlide;
float $allFacePos[] = returnSelectedFacePositions();
int $numItems = size($allFacePos);
float $pointPos[3];
//go through all faces selected
int $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItems; $i+=3)
$pointPos[0] = $allFacePos[$i];
$pointPos[1] = $allFacePos[$i + 1];
$pointPos[2] = $allFacePos[$i + 2];
if ( isUsedSpot( $pointPos ) )
warning "One or more of the faces you chose already have been built upon";
float $randNum;
int $heightValue = `intSliderGrp -q -value $building_BuildHeightSlide`;
int $buildingSomething = false;
int $wantSky = `checkBox -q -value $building_SkyscraperCheck`;
int $wantGov = `checkBox -q -value $building_GovernmentCheck`;
int $wantApt = `checkBox -q -value $building_ApartmentCheck`;
int $wantMedOne = `checkBox -q -value $building_MidLevelOneCheck`;
int $wantMedTwo = `checkBox -q -value $building_MidLevelTwoCheck`;
//must check to make sure one of the buildings options is checked or else will get stuck in infinite loop
if (!$wantSky && !$wantGov && !$wantApt && !$wantMedOne && !$wantMedTwo)
warning "no buildings are selected so none will be created";
while ( !$buildingSomething )
$randNum = (int)`rand 0 4.99`;
switch ( $randNum )
case 0.0:
if ( $wantSky )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createSkyscrapper( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 1.0:
if ( $wantGov )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createGovernmentBuild( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 2.0:
if ( $wantApt )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createApartmentBuild( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 3.0:
if ( $wantMedOne )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createMediumBuildOne( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
case 4.0:
if ( $wantMedTwo )
addBuildPoint( $pointPos );
createMediumBuildTwo( $pointPos, $heightValue );
$buildingSomething = true;
* Create Skyscrapper building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createSkyscrapper( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
int $numSecondSections = $randHeight - (int)($randHeight * 0.9);
int $numThirdSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 0.5 -p -1.0 0.0 1.5 -p 1.0 0.0 1.5 -p 2.0 0.0 0.5 -p 1.0 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.0 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
rotate -os -r 0 45deg 0 $baseShapeName[0];
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale 0.8 0.8 0.8 $baseFloorShape[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
//$bottomCeiling ( will place after windows )
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 5; //create windows
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//first section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
//second section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numSecondSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale 0.95 0.95 0.95 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
//third section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numThirdSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Government building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createGovernmentBuild( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numSteps = 10;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.25;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
for( $i = 0; $i < $numSteps; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
$currScale -= 0.05;
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.1 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.1;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $bottomCeiling[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.1 -ls 0.6 0.6 0.6 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -sma 10 -kft true -ltz -0.08 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Apartment building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createApartmentBuild( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.25;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) ($currScale - 0.2) $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
//$bottomCeiling ( will place after windows )
string $bottomCeiling[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $bottomCeiling[0];
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $bottomCeiling[0];
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.05 -ls 0.96 0.96 0.96 $tempObj[0];
polySoftEdge -a 0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.08 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Medium-sized building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createMediumBuildOne( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.15;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.5 0.6 0.8 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.03 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.8 0.8 0.8 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.05 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
$currentHeight += 0.5;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.12 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
* Create Medium-sized building of a random height
* @param: float[] ( the point where to build the building )
* @param: int ( the general hieght value the building height should randomly vary around )
* @return: none;
proc createMediumBuildTwo( float $buildPos[], int $heightValue )
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
int $randHeight = (int)`rand -2.99 2.99`;
$randHeight += $heightValue;
int $numFirstSections = $randHeight;
float $currentHeight = 0.0;
float $currScale = 1.15;
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $baseShapeName[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -1.5 0.0 -1.5 -p -1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 1.5 -p 1.5 0.0 -1.5`; //base reference piece
//move into base position
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseShapeName[0];
//base ground
string $baseGround[] = `polyCreateFacet -p -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -p -2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 2.0 -p 2.0 0.0 -2.0`; //base ground level
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] $baseGround[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.3 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseGround[0];
$currentHeight += 0.3;
string $tempObj[];
int $i;
//base floor
string $baseFloorShape[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $baseFloorShape[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $baseFloorShape[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.8 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $baseFloorShape[0];
delete ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[0]") ($baseFloorShape[0] + ".f[1]");
$currentHeight += 0.8;
//roof creation ( will place after windows )
string $roof[] = `duplicate $baseShapeName[0]`;
setAttr ($baseShapeName[1] + ".subdivision") 4; //create windows
//main section
for( $i = 0; $i < $numFirstSections; $i++ )
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale $currScale $currScale $currScale $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.5 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
delete ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0]") ($tempObj[0] + ".f[1]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.5 0.6 0.8 $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz 0.03 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ls 0.8 0.8 0.8 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft false -ltz -0.05 ($tempObj[0] + ".f[0:15]");
$currentHeight += 0.5;
$tempObj = `duplicate -ic $baseShapeName[0]`;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $tempObj[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.1) $currScale ($currScale + 0.1) $tempObj[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $tempObj[0];
$currentHeight += 0.2;
move -r 0 $currentHeight 0 $roof[0];
scale ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) ($currScale + 0.05) $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -ch true -kft true -ltz 0.2 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 $roof[0];
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ls 0.9 0.9 0.9 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
polyExtrudeFacet -kft true -ltz -0.12 -ls 1.0 1.0 1.0 ($roof[0] + ".f[0]");
delete -ch ($namespace + ":*");
string $objNames[] = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
//make sure that pivot points are in appropriate places for future rotations
move -a $buildPos[0] $buildPos[1] $buildPos[2] ($objNames[0] + ".scalePivot") ($objNames[0] + ".rotatePivot") ;
editDisplayLayerMembers $PiecesDisplayLayer $objNames[0]; //add build piece to display layer
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
namespace -set ":";
///////////// end primary functions /////////
///////////// begin secondary functions /////
* Rotates a selected build piece
* @param: float ( the angle by which the piece will be rotated )
* @return: none
proc rotatePiece( float $angle )
string $allSelObjects[] = `ls -sl`;
float $currRot;
for ($obj in $allSelObjects)
$currRot = `getAttr ($obj + ".rotateY")`;
setAttr ($obj + ".rotateY") ($currRot + $angle);
* Deletes a selected build piece ( and also removes it position from global reference so that other pieces can now be placed in its spot)
* @return: none
proc deletePiece()
global float $buildPos[];
string $allSelObjects[] = `ls -sl`;
float $currRot;
for ($obj in $allSelObjects)
//first remove the point references from
float $objPos[] = `getAttr ($obj + ".rotatePivot")`;
int $arrSize = size($buildPos);
int $i;
for($i = 0; $i < $arrSize; $i+=2)
if(($objPos[0] == $buildPos[$i]) && ($objPos[2] == $buildPos[$i + 1]))
$buildPos[$i] = -1000;
$buildPos[$i + 1] = -1001;
delete $obj;
tglSelectMode( 0 ); //set select mode to face selction only ( for convienence )
* Rotates a selected build piece ( or many either left or right/counterclockwise clockwise)
* @param: int ( 0 = exclusive face select mode of ground plane, 1 = can only select build pieces )
* @return: none
proc tglSelectMode( int $selector )
global string $groundDisplayLayer;
global string $PiecesDisplayLayer;
global string $lightsDisplayLayer;
//clear everything first
select -clear;
hilite -unHilite "*";
if ($selector == 0)
//face select mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = template, 2 = reference ( i.e. locked ) )
setAttr ($groundDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 0;
setAttr ($PiecesDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
setAttr ($lightsDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
global string $groundPlaneName;
grid -toggle false; //turn off grid for better visibility
hilite $groundPlaneName; //hilite ground plane for component selection
selectMode -component; //set selct mode to only components ( not objects )
selectType -allComponents false; //set to only select faces
selectType -facet true;
else if ($selector == 1)
//object select mode
//face select mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = template, 2 = reference ( i.e. locked ) )
setAttr ($groundDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
setAttr ($PiecesDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 0;
setAttr ($lightsDisplayLayer + ".displayType") 2;
selectMode -object;
* Create a street light and return reference to itself
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc string[] createLightPost()
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $newPost[];
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.15 -h 0.25 -d 0.15 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 0.4;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.05 -h 2.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 1.5;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.04 -h 1.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") -0.49;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.5;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 105;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.12 -h 0.18 -d 0.085 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") -1.05;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.63;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 90;
$newPost = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
namespace -set ":";
return $newPost;
* Create a traffic light and return reference to itself
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc string[] createTrafficLight()
string $namespace = getNewNamespace();
namespace -add $namespace;
namespace -set $namespace;
string $newPost[];
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.15 -h 0.25 -d 0.15 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 0.4;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.05 -h 2.0 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 1.5;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.03 -h 1.3 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.62;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.45;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") -95;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
$newPost = `polyCube -w 0.055 -h 0.65 -d 0.30 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.04;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateX") 90;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.92;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 0.92;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.12;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyCylinder -r 0.08 -h 0.25 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.32;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".rotateZ") 90;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsAxis") 8;
setAttr ($newPost[1] + ".subdivisionsCaps") 0;
delete ($newPost[0] + ".f[8]");
move -r -0.04 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[2]") ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[4]");
move -r -0.06 0 0 ($newPost[0] + ".vtx[3]");
$newPost = `polySphere -r 0.07 -sx 8 -sy 8`;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateX") 0.07;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateZ") 1.32;
setAttr ($newPost[0] + ".translateY") 2.35;
$newPost = `polyUnite ($namespace + ":*")`;
namespace -set ":";
return $newPost;
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @return: string[] ( name reference to object )
proc createShaders()
global string $blueGlass;
global string $greenGlass;
global string $concrete;
global string $redBrick;
global string $brownBrick;
global string $asphalt;
$blueGlass = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.11877 0.11877 0.535;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".specularRollOff") 1;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".eccentricity") 0.1009;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".reflectivity") 1;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".specularColor") -type double3 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ($blueGlass + ".transparency") -type double3 0.09448 0.09448 0.09448 ;
$greenGlass = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.11877 0.11877 0.535;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".specularRollOff") 1;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".eccentricity") 0.1009;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".reflectivity") 1;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".specularColor") -type double3 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".transparency") -type double3 0.09448 0.09448 0.09448 ;
$concrete = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($greenGlass + ".color") -type double3 0.478 0.478 0.478;
$redBrick = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($redBrick + ".color") -type double3 0.5 0.019 0.0463368;
$brownBrick = `shadingNode -asShader lambert -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($brownBrick + ".color") -type double3 0.5 0.18225 0;
$asphalt = `shadingNode -asShader blinn -name "blueGlass"`;
setAttr ($asphalt + ".color") -type double3 0.204 0.204 0.204;
///////////// end secondary functions /////////
///////////// begin helper functions /////////
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @return: float[] ( an array of all face points currently selected )
proc float[] returnSelectedFacePositions()
//first make sure the groundPlane is selected
global string $groundPlaneName;
float $allFacePos[];
int $facePosCounter = 0;
string $allObjects[];
string $obj;
string $parentObj;
$allSelObjects = `ls -sl`;
//error checking for if any items are selected and then whether appropriate items are selected
if ( size($allSelObjects) == 0)
error "Nothing selected: must have faces selected to build items";
return $allFacePos;
int $numFaces[] = `polyEvaluate -faceComponent -vertexComponent -edgeComponent`; //num of selected components
if (( $numFaces[1] != 0 ) || ( $numFaces[2] != 0 ) )
error "must select face components only";
return $allFacePos;
else if ( $numFaces[0] == 0 )
error "must have faces selected to build items";
return $allFacePos;
Need to use filterExpand so that maya will not automatically "group" objects i.e. object.f[20:22]
but rather list each face listed individually i.e. object.f[20] object.f[21] object.f[22]
$allSelObjects = `filterExpand -ex true -sm 34`;
for ( $obj in $allSelObjects )
//finding parent of component selected
$parentObj = getParentFromComponent( $obj );
if ( $parentObj == $groundPlaneName )
float $facePoints[] = `xform -q -t -ws $obj`;
float $faceCentre[] = getFaceCentre( $facePoints );
//print( $faceCentre[0] + " " + $faceCentre[1] + " " + $faceCentre[2] + "\n" );
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 0 ] = $faceCentre[0];
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 1 ] = $faceCentre[1];
$allFacePos[ $facePosCounter + 2 ] = $faceCentre[2];
if ($obj == ("|" + $groundPlaneName))
error "one or more of the faces of the ground plane must be selected to create";
error "the faces selected for creating must belong to the ground plane";
return $allFacePos;
* Create a list of shaders to possibly be used to shade objects in scene
* @param: float[] ( list of all vertex points of face )
* @return: float[] ( the face centre's point )
proc float[] getFaceCentre( float $points[] )
float $faceCenter[];
$faceCenter[0] = ( $points[0] + $points[3] + $points[6] + $points[9] ) / 4.0;
$faceCenter[1] = ( $points[1] + $points[4] + $points[7] + $points[10] ) / 4.0;
$faceCenter[2] = ( $points[2] + $points[5] + $points[8] + $points[11] ) / 4.0;
return $faceCenter;
* Return the parent reference of the currently selected component
* @param: string ( component reference )
* @return: float[] ( the face centre's point )
proc string getParentFromComponent( string $objName )
//finding parent of component selected
string $parent[] = `listRelatives -p $objName`;
if ( $parent[0] != "" )
$parent = `listRelatives -p $parent[0]`;
$parentObj = $parent[0];
return $parent[0];
* Return the parent reference of the currently selected component
* @param: float[] ( point to check )
* @return: int ( 1 = used, 0 = not used )
proc int isUsedSpot( float $buildPoint[] )
global float $buildPos[];
int $arrSize = size( $buildPos );
int $i;
int $usedSpot = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $arrSize; $i+=2 )
if ( ($buildPos[$i] == $buildPoint[0]) && ($buildPos[$i+1] == $buildPoint[2]) )
$usedSpot = 1;
return $usedSpot;
* Add the given point to array of "pieces can't go here" array
* @param: float[] ( the point that will be added to global reference to signify that another build piece cannot be placed there )
* @return: none
proc addBuildPoint( float $buildPoint[] )
global float $buildPos[];
int $arrSize = size( $buildPos );
$buildPos[ $arrSize ] = $buildPoint[0];
$buildPos[ $arrSize + 1 ] = $buildPoint[2];
* Return a unique string name suitable for a new namespace identifier
* @return: string ( namespace name )
proc string getNewNamespace()
global int $nsCounter;
string $namespace_tmp = "Building_" + $nsCounter;
return $namespace_tmp;
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